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The information and downloads on this website may not be used for any commercial pursuits by which one can secure any financial gain as a result of using the information and downloads on this website (including personal and professional advertising) unless otherwise authorised by the owner of the works.
The owner of the website has full ownership of all the information and downloads on this website. The owner is the licensee of all intellectual property rights of the information and downloads on this website. All downloads on this website are protected by copyright laws. All rights are reserved.
You are not permitted to reproduce, copy, edit or amend any of the information or downloads from this website without prior permissions from the owner of the works.
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You must not use any of the information or downloads from this website in any training or education programmes regardless of whether or not any monetary charge is in effect unless otherwise granted permissions by the owner of the works.
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If you use the information and downloads on this website you are agreeing to the legal terms and conditions outlined on this website. Furthermore, the information and downloads on this website are subparts of a larger CBT programme and are not intended to be used in a ‘self-help’ manner by individuals who are not and have not been in a therapeutic contract with the owner of the works. Furthermore, the downloads on this website are not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and are not intended to be. If you have a medical emergency you should contact a physician or healthcare professional. The owner of the information and downloads on this website is not responsible for any outcome of using the materials if the materials are used without prior permissions. If using the materials on this website you are assuming responsibility for any outcome and agreeing that the author is not responsible for such outcome. You are acknowledging that the information and downloads on this website are intended for individuals who have been in a professional contract with the owner of the works. The downloads are for information purposes only.